Pete Alport Photography


One of the most beautiful and dynamic places I have ever been, the Kluane National Park. I was here in early September of 2021, on a 35 day solo road trip to Yukon Canada.

To get to where I am from my truck requires a permit and 26 miles of one way foot travel and a good amount of vertical. At this point of my road trip, I had been solo for 25 days and finally had a breakthrough the day before. I don't know exactly how to explain "a breakthrough," but I'll do my best here. The day before this photo was taken an overwhelming sense of gratitude for myself and that everything was exactly how it was supposed to be came over me. I dropped to my knees and began sobbing, not out of depression, regret, or anything negative whatsoever. It's as if my body and mind finally connected for the first time in my life and the result was sheer peace. You might be thinking, "bullshit!" No way is this anything fake or trying to be something I am not. I felt true peace for the first time in my life, a peace that carried me through the rest of my trip.

I wish I could say the feelings of peace and centeredness are ever present, yet they are not. I am able to retain the feelings I had on this trip at times, however, life, society, and all that knocks me off center still happens. The fact I now know that peace is able to exist within myself is a huge step for me moving forward in life.

The glacier you are looking at is called the Kaskawulsh Glacier and is 6,000-9,000ft. above see level, covering more than 15,000 square miles, and 3-4 miles wide at it's widest. The backpacking to my camp spot had me hiking on a 17 mile dried river bed, a river bed that used to be fed by this glacier. A sad reality to changing times. A couple hours after I descended this peak I was on to take this photo a pack of wolves began hunting throughout the night. I could hear them from my camp until I fell asleep. Incredible.

I love this photo for nine million reasons and every time I look at it, I feel a sense of peace.